change the way you navigate

Change your navigation screens into 3d spatial view

You can have a full 3D image of spatial navigation from anywhere using our unique technology

For Sailors

Easy for use even for newbies

For Military

Secured and very accurate data

For rescue services

Data available in all weather conditions

Why Choose DNT?

We know how to effectively implement XR technology and we know its potential!

We have extensive experience in implementations based on mixed and augmented reality technology. We understand its limitations but also its potential. We see this potential in the military and maritime industries

"Fast access to information on the battlefield can turn the tide"

dynamic navigation technologies Team

Highlighted Features

make your dominance to the next level!

Augumented layer

Seeing more is knowing more. Augmented reality gives you the feeling of being in the center of operations anywhere.

High accuracy

GPS coordinates with real-time position approximation algorithms provide maximum reliability.

Fully standalone

Observe your surroundings from anywhere as if you were in the control center.

Hardware agnostic

You can use your mobile phone or any Augmented or mixed reality hardware.

third party integration

The system can integrate with such systems as GPS, AIS, ECDIS and much more.

simple but powerful

No navigation knowledge required, replaced with clear markers.

resistant to conditions

Lack of visibility will no longer be a problem. The system displays information in all conditions, day and night.

civil and military

The technology can successfully serve as help for sailors, but also as support for the army.

SAFE & secure

AQAP certification and cloud-based infrastructure ensure data and communication security.

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we will bring you your horizon